Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 Dan Jawabannya

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Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang Songs Part-2

Karena biasanya soal bahasa inggris kelas 11 semester 2 yang akan diujikan tidak jauh berbeda dengan soal tahun sebelumnya. Untuk soal uas bahasa inggris kelas 11 semester 2 tahun 2020 ini belum dilengkapi beserta kunci jawaban. Semoga soal ukk bahasa inggris kelas 11 semester 2 ini dapat bermanfaat. Selamat belajar! Soal pada bagian pertama yaitu soal pilihan ganda bahasa inggris kelas 11 Semester 2 beserta jawabannya dengan jumlah 30 Soal dan tentunya sudah disertakan kunci jawabannya supaya teman2 semua bisa lebih mudah Untuk menghafalnya dan juga bisa menjadikan referensi soal saat ujian nanti karena soal tersebut diambil berdasarkan sumber dari buku mata pelajaran bahasa inggris Kurikulum 2013. DISUSUN OLEH ­­­. Kumpulan Soal dan Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA Kumpulan Soal dan Jawaban Biologi SMA. SOAL BAHASA INGGRIS DAN JAWABANNYA Mei (5) April (29) Punyo Kito Galo. Unknown Lihat profil lengkapku. Tema Perjalanan. Gambar tema oleh ozgurdonmaz.

- Melanjutkan soal b. Inggris kelas 11 semester genap kurikulum 2013 bagian ke- 1, bagian ke-2 berisikan materi yang sama (Bab 3), dengan sub pokok bahasan Analyze Song.
Berikut dibawah ini, soal bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK/Sederajat beserta jawaban kurtilas edisi revisi.

A. Answer the questions by crossing (X) a, b, c, d, or e in front of the right answer!

The following text is for number 1-5!
Song by: Dio

Hanging ….(1) the cobwebs in your mind
It looks like a long, long way to fall
No one ever told me life was kind
I guess I never heard it, never heard it all
Living in a world of make believe
I can hide ….(2) what’s real
But wearing your emotions on your sleeve
And they all know what you ….(3)
And here it comes again
Straight through the heart
Straight through the heart
Oh, never …. (4) a secret with your eyes
It’s the eyes that let you down
Tell a little truth ….(5) many lies
It’s the only way I’ve found
Shout to the wind
How can you hurt me this way
Oh once it begins
It looks like it’s coming to stay
1. a. from
b. for
c. to
d. at
e. will
Answer: c
2. a. beside
b. behind
c. front
d. up
e. beneath
Answer: b
3. a. see
b. hear
c. feel
d. saw
e. felt
Answer: b
4. a. mouth
b. tell
c. say
d. say
e. hear
Answer: a
5. a. or
b. with
c. and
d. so

Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 Dan Jawabannya Dan

e. from
Answer: b

B. Read the following lyric and then answer the questions!

Song by: Spice Girls

Do you still remember
How we used to be
Felling together, believe in whatever
My love has said to me
Both of us were dreamers
Young love in the sun
Felt like my savior, my spirit I gave ya
We’d only just begun
Hasta Manana,
Always be mine
Viva forever, I’ll be waiting
Everlasting, like the sun
Live forever,
For the moment
Ever searching for the one
Yes I still remember,
Every whispered word
The touch of your skin, giving life from within
Like a love song that I’d heard
Slipping through out fingers,Uas
Like the sands of time
Promise made, every memory saved
Has reflections in my mind
Hasta Manana,

Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas Xi Semester 2 Beserta Jawabannya

Always be mineSoal Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 Dan Jawabannya
Back where I belong now,
Was it just a dream
Feelings unfold, they will never be sold
And the secret’s safe with me
Hasta manana,

Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 Dan Jawabannya 2

Always be mine
[Chorus x2]
1. What is theme of the song above?
Answer: Viva Forever.
2. What does “Hasta Manana” means?
Answer: See you tomorrow.
3. What was still remembered by the singer?
Answer: The words whispered to her.
4. Does the writer think that the feeling is a dream?
Answer: Yes, she does
5. What is represented by the sand of time?
Answer: Promise that have been made.
Lanjut ke soal berikutnya => Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang Songs Part-3
Ilmu adalah pengetahuan yang telah disusun secara sistematis dan berlaku umum, sedangkan pengetahuan adalah pengalaman yang bersifat pribadi/kelompok dan belum disusun secara sistematis karena belum dicoba dan diuji.
Dalam konteks akademis atau profesional, ujian (atau ujian untuk pendek) adalah tes yang bertujuan untuk menentukan kemampuan seorang mahasiswa atau calon dokter. Biasanya ujian tes tertulis, walaupun beberapa mungkin praktis atau komponen praktis, dan sangat bervariasi dalam struktur, isi dan kesulitan tergantung pada subjek, kelompok usia orang yang diuji dan profesi.

Seseorang yang melewati ujian menerima ijazah, sebuah surat izin mengemudi atau profesional, tergantung pada tujuan pemeriksaan. Pemeriksaan kompetitif adalah ujian di mana pelamar bersaing untuk sejumlah posisi, sebagai lawan hanya harus mencapai tingkat tertentu untuk lulus.
Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui setiap siswa yang berada di tingkat pendidikan formal pasti akan mengahadapi yang namanya Ujian sebagai bentuk tes terhadap para siswa untuk mengukur sejauh mana kemampuan siswa tersebut dalam memahami pelajaran yang telah di sampaikan oleh para guru, sehingga nantinya akan di dapat hasil sebagai bahan evaluasi untuk memperbaiki kemampuan siswa ketingkat yang lebih baik lagi.
Maka berdasarkan Hal tersebut pada artikel kali ini, saya akan menshare mengenai Soal latihan Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 Semester 2 PG dan Essay Beserta Jawabannya Lengkap dengan jumlah 40 Soal. Dimana dalam pembagian soal latihan ini, saya menyuguhkan 2 bentuk soal soal yang tentunya biasa ditemukan dalam setiap Ujian atau Latihan soal di Sekolah .
Soal pada bagian pertama yaitu soal pilihan ganda bahasa inggris kelas 11 Semester 2 beserta jawabannya dengan jumlah 30 Soal dan tentunya sudah disertakan kunci jawabannya supaya teman2 semua bisa lebih mudah Untuk menghafalnya dan juga bisa menjadikan referensi soal saat ujian nanti karena soal tersebut diambil berdasarkan sumber dari buku mata pelajaran bahasa inggris Kurikulum 2013.
Soal pada bagian Kedua yaitu soal essay bahasa inggris kelas 11 Semester 2 beserta jawabannya dengan jumlah 10 Soal dan tentunya sudah disertakan kunci jawabannya supanya teman2 semua bisa lebih mudah Untuk menghafalnya dan juga bisa menjadikan referensi soal saat ujian nanti karena soal tersebut diambil berdasarkan sumber dari buku mata pelajaran bahasa inggris Kurikulum 2013 Juga.

Mungkin itu saja sedikit ulasan mengenai isi artikel yang akan saya bahas kali ini, langsung saja kita menuju Soal latihan Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 Semester 2 PG dan Essay Beserta Jawabannya Lengkap berikut dibawah ini.

Soal latihan Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 Semester 2 PG dan Essay Beserta Jawabannya Lengkap

Adapun soal-soal yang akan kita bahas pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 Semester 2 PG dan Essay adalah sebagai berikut :

A. Soal Pilihan Ganda

Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 Dan Jawabannya Full

1. When you were a child,…. Away from home?
a. Did you ever run
b. Have you ever run
c. Has you ever run
d. Do you ever run
e. Does you ever run
2. My brother… a football match his neighbor last week.
a. Watching
b. Watches
c. Has watched
d. Had watched
e. Watch
3. i… to my uncle’s house last night.
a. Went
b. Go
c. Goes
d. Gone
e. Was gone
4. … your ankle?
a. Do you ever break
b. Did you ever broke
c. Has you ever broken
d. Had you ever broken
e. Have you ever broken
5. I… of having a billion dollars.
a. Often dream
b. Have often dreamt
c. Often dreamt
d. Had often dreamt
e. Often mine dreamt
6. During the last three years, i… about 100,000 miles.
a. Travel
b. Travelers
c. Has been travelled
d. Travelled
e. Have travelled
7. ‘do you know Canada?’’no,… there.’
a. I’ve never been
b. I never went
c. I’ve went
c. I had went
d. I never been
8. I have a very interesting job and i… lots of famous people.
a. Have meet
b. Meters
c. Met
d. Meet
e. Meeting
9. i… grammar at school, but I’m very interested in it now.
a. Didn’t like
b. Don’t like
c. Haven’t liked
d. Dislike
e. No Likes
10. … to mr.president several time.
a. I was speaking
b. I'm Speak
c. I spoke
d. I had spoken
e. I’ve spoken
11. … put an advertisement in a newspaper?
a. Do you ever
b. Were you ever
c. Did you ever
d. Have you ever
e. Does you ever
12. When we were children, mother… us delicious ice dream every Sunday.
a. Has made
b. Make
c. Made
d. Was made
e. Hand made
13. They have… into a new apartement.
a. Bought
b. Buying
c. Found
d. Moved
e. Move On
14. Have you ever… Thailand?
a. Let
b. Been
c. Ther
d. Visited
e. Stood
15. I have already… that movie.
a. Watch
b. Held
c. Withdraw
d. Watched
e. Wich
16. I have never… snow.
a. Seen
b. Thought
c. Cost
d. See
e. Become
17. We… four tests so far this semester.
a. Had
b. Have
c. Have had
d. Has had
e. Have Fun
18. i… a letter to my wife every other day for the last two weeks.
a. Wrote
b. Hae written
c. Written
d. Write
e. Writting
19. i… many people since I came here in june.
a. Meet
b. Met
c. Stood
d. Was met
e. Have met
20. I_______ … on an airplane many times.
a. Have flown
b. Few
c. Fly
d. Have flew
e. Flaying
Number 21 to 25 refers to letter below
Dear Rahmat,
Hello my best friend, I will have a party for celebrating my birthday. It will begin on Friday, May 20, 2015 at 8 PM. It will be held in Kaluku restaurant, Hasanuddin Street No.16 Masamba, North Luwu. I do hope that you can come to gather with the other friends praying for my birthday. See you!
If you have any questions, call me at 081 355 421 421
Your Beautiful Friend
21. Who is invited to the birthday party
a. Mawar c. All friends e. Hasanuddin
b. Pahlawan street d. Rahmat
22. When will be the birthday party?
a. Nopember 20, 2015 c. Nopember 21, 2014 e. Tomorrow
b. 8.00 PM d. May 20, 2015
23. Where will be the birthday party?
a. Rahmat home c.Hasanuddin Street e. Kaluku Restaurant
b. Mawar home d. May 20, 2015
24. Who sends the invitation?
a. Mawar c. All friends e. Hasanuddin Street
b. Pahlawan street d. Rahmat
25. Why Mawar made invitation letter, because………..
a. Her sister will be married c. Her brother got a new job e. My birthday
b. Her anniversary of birthday d. Mawar made a party
Number 26 to 29 refers to dialogue below

Seller : Good morning!
Buyer : (11) ………….., do you have a new DVD?
Seller : Of course, this is “JVC” the newest product from Japan
Buyer : (12)…………………?
Seller : I can give you Rp. 700.000
Buyer : (13) …………………?
Seller : I’m sorry the price is fixed.
Buyer : (14) …………………
Seller : I’m sorry too. This product is cheapest in my shop.
26. a. Hello c. Good Morning e. your welcome
b. How are you d. Thank you
27. a. May I help you c. It’s very expensive e. Which one
b. How much do they cost d. How much is it
28. a. Do you give discount for this DVD
b. How much is it
c. No Thank you
d. Thank you Very much
e. There is another product
29. a. Do you give discount for this DVD
b. How much is it
c. May I have the price cheaper
d. There is another product
e. Which one
30. John : How about going to the Restaurant?
Mary :…………………..
a. Sure, what times c. That’s great idea e. I Have good Idea
b. That sounds lovely d. I’m really sorry

B. Soal Essay

Change the following sentences into enterrogative form!
1. Sarah has watched that movie three times.
Jawab : Has sarah watched that movie three times?
2. Mr. turner has eaten his breakfast.
Jawab : Has mr.turner eaten has breakfast?
3. You have ever read a job vacancy in a newspaper.
Jawab : Have you ever read a job vacancy in a newspaper?
4. I have ever visited Thailand.
Jawab : Have I ever visited Thailand?
5. Angga has had three tests so far this semester.
Jawab : Has angga had three tests so far this semester?
6. Mr. wijaya and his family have lived in Surabaya for ten years.
Jawab : Have mr. wijaya and his family lived in Surabaya for ten years?
7. Julia has never seen snow before.
Jawab : Has Julia never seen snow before?
8. It has rained since last night.
Jawab : Has it rained since last night?
9. They have known him since 2019.
Jawab : Have they known him since 2019?

10. I have written some letters for my friends several times.
Jawab : Have I written some letters for my friends several times?

Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 Dan Jawabannya Tentang

Demikianlah artikel mengenai Soal latihan Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 Semester 2 PG dan Essay Beserta Jawabannya Lengkap ini, semoga bermanfaat buat teman2 yang sedang mencari referensi mengenai soal2 dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Maaf apabila terdapat kesalahan dalam pembuatan soal ataupun jawabannya. semoga bisa bermanfaat dan bisa digunakan sebagai bahan untuk belajar. Terima Kasih .

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